GLAFKA s.r.o. is a Czech educational and consultancy organization that has been dedicated to non-formal education since 2014.

Our goal is to provide innovative education based on experiential pedagogy and emotional learning.

Our team members have expertise in education and pedagogy, economics, psychology, digital and media literacy. We work with educators, social workers, counsellors, youth workers and psychotherapists

We focus our activities mainly on the implementation of activities that support:

  • sensitivity, empathy and social responsibility towards vulnerable groups in society;
  • development of emotional and social intelligence;
  • strengthening critical thinking and reading skills, working with information/text;
  • digital competence and media literacy of citizens.

We educate educators, youth workers, social workers, youth, as well as the general public. Our activities also focus on empowering disadvantaged and vulnerable people.

Within the framework of long-term international cooperation with foreign entities (schools/universities, educational and leisure centres, counselling centres, etc.) we are dedicated to knowledge and innovation transfer in the field of lifelong learning and further education. Thanks to this experience, we have expanded our knowledge and enriched the methodology of our courses.

We regularly monitor trends in education to keep up with the times and to ensure that our training programmes are relevant to current needs.